Tuesday 17 September 2013

Little Dove

I don't understand why people don't like Sansa Stark.
If you think about it, she's in a terrible situation; most of her family is dead - and at the hands of the people she's surrounded by - and she's being tortured mentally and physically on a daily basis. Yes she might be a little naive and she was a bit stupid during the first season but she was only a little girl. She still is a little girl, really.

Tools Used
Watercolour pencil and paint to produce this. I wanted to initially use the no-line technique but couldn't help myself but reach for the ballpoint pen.

Artist © LizJOwen
Character © George R.R. Martin

Step by Step

1. The sketch on "normal" paper. 

2. Transferring of the sketch onto watercolour paper using the window as a backlight. Should really get my hands on a light box...

3. "Painting" the face using watercolour pencils. 

4. Painting the doves with watercolour paint, making a lot of mess in the process. 

That's all for now!

Friday 13 September 2013

To-Do List; Goals for the Year

For the past couple of weeks I have been job hunting; I know that I've still got a year at university to go, but I like thinking ahead and getting prepared for when I enter the "real world" of Graphic Design.

I wrote up some of the points that each job required such as having advanced skills in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign, as well as being able to take a project from concept to completion. Then I set myself a little to-do list for me to do whilst at university so that I could brush up on my skills or learn something new.

To-Do List:

  • Blogging - Needs to be updated regularly meaning that I need to do more projects/research; be written professionally, and whenever I do do a project I would need to show my whole process
  • Possible Projects - Packaging Design (would be either a large project or series of small projects); Hand Lettering; Editorial Illustration & Design
  • Try out Web Design
  • Practise drawing - different styles & techniques

I realise that there is quite a lot on my list so I'm going to break everything down and do them in small steps. Blogging will come with practise because although I do have a fashion/lifestyle blog, it will take me a while to figure out the best ways to blog for Graphic Design and Illustration.

And for all of the other points... I'm going to tackle them one by one instead of mixing projects and getting confused as I do also have to think about my dissertation and university projects. 

I guess that's all for now! Until next time,