I noticed that even though it's a few weeks into this project, I hadn't yet produced a blog post about the Oxford Literary Festival. Instead I had written notes in my sketchpad and on my Pecha Kucha presentation (which I'll write about later on) so I think it might be time to put everything together.
I might've mentioned before that this project might be difficult in terms of target audience because the festival covers quite a wide range of topics, and thus different types of people as well as age groups. That's why I want to produce a book that aims to cover most of these topics instead of just focusing on literature.
Most of the information I gathered about this festival is on their website (here). The festival takes place every year, and this year it's on the last week of March (22nd - 30th) at Christ Church in Oxford, and is being sponsored by FT Weekend. They have provided a "Location and Travel" page on their website which is something I would need to include when it comes to designing their posters. Even though it doesn't really say I have to do these posters I would like to to promote the event.
They have displayed the post code right at the top of the page although I completely missed this at first because it was included within a paragraph. I was initially looking for a Google Maps gadget, so when I didn't find one I got confused and looked at the page again.
Other than that they have provided timetables for the whole week and there's quite a mixture of topics such as a creative writing class and general discussions. I am not familiar with most of the people there but from what I can see they are mostly about literature but not just focusing on books but on journalism, politics and history.
Key information
Christ Church
St Aldate’sOxford OX1 1DP
Saturday March 22nd - Sunday March 30th
I now have more of an idea of what I want my book to be like, I just wished I wrote this blog post earlier when I had actually written these notes in my notepad. It's going to be quite difficult to produce a book everyone would agree with and this further persuades me to create something with different styles of typography.
In terms of creating posters I would definitely have to include their website because people are required to buy tickets beforehand - from what I've gathered on their website - through phone or in person on a different day.
Learning Outcomes:
[8] Developed their ability to scan and organise data, abstract meaning from information and communicate knowledge in a variety of formats.
Learning Outcomes:
[8] Developed their ability to scan and organise data, abstract meaning from information and communicate knowledge in a variety of formats.
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