Tuesday 7 May 2013

FMP: Screenshots - Changes to the Designs

After gathering some feedback I made some changes to all of my designs - the invitation, Save the Date, RSVP and Place Card - because there were still some aspects of them that needed tinkering. Luckily I still had more than enough time to do this!

Place Card
I only made a small change to the place card which was to change the name to my own. The reason for this is because when people walk past to look at my work, my name would be printed on that place card and it would be this design that people talk about e.g. "the wedding invitation with Elizabeth Owen on it..."
I normally wouldn't display my full name but because it's quite long it would show that names would be able to fit on one line.

Now there are a number of changes I needed to make with my RSVP card, and the first being the sizing of the heading as I realised that it was too large when I printed it out.

The second change I wanted to make was to change the reply options to "kindly accepts on behalf of _ guests" instead, and to remove the lines so that the person could encircle their option instead. I included a "please indicate" to help them figure out what they needed to do.

Save the Date
When I showed my design to several of my classmates and my lecturers they pointed out that the end of each word looked as if there were s's, so I had to remove these.
I tried this out in two ways: one was to cover it by using the pen tool, and the other was to actually remove the "curl" themselves.

This was my first method where I took the pen tool and drew around the curl. Once I was done I changed it so that the fill was white and the line was transparent before copying and pasting it onto all of the other curls.

When I did this for the end of "sophie" I realised there was now a large white space between the two names, so I had to copy and paste the second name above the original layer and position it on top of the white shape.

My second method was to be rid of the curl completely, and although it was a lot harder to do it means that the little shape I made with the previous method didn't go over onto the illustration. In the end it was a better method to use.

I start off by selecting the word and then going onto Type > Create Outlines. I then take the Pen tool and double click each point before deleting it.

I didn't take any screenshots of the changes I made for the invitation as they consisted of taking out the curls (which I have shown in the Save the Date) and then making any grammatical corrections.

This exercise has taught me just how important it is to get feedback from my classmates and my lecturers as they point out the things that I hadn't noticed before, and help me to achieve a better design that I would feel more comfortable with. I was able to learn that I needed to pay special attention to my punctuation because I had done the silly mistake of printing out my invitation before realising I had missed a comma!
Most importantly I have learnt how to make small changes to typefaces through using the Pen tool, however I would need to be careful about this in future as some licenses doesn't allow any alteration on the type. Luckily this is a personal uni project!

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