Saturday 22 February 2014

FMP (BA): Bookbinding

Even though I'm still in my early stages of this project, I wanted to figure out how I will bind my book because I have a feeling that assembling the project would take a bit longer than actually designing it. This is because I would have to purchase materials that I don't have, especially if I'm binding it with thread, so I want to make sure I've got everything in time.

I headed to YouTube and Vimeo to have a look at tutorials as I find it much easier to learn through watching people than flicking through photos. 

Sea Lemon on YouTube was actually really useful so I had a look at her other tutorials that linked into book binding. These tutorials involved how to actually put together the materials used for it.

Art, Books and Creativity 

Video tutorials aside, I also found a nifty little website that displayed picture tutorials on the different types of assembling the books. They have included books such as an "accordion" book - which is what I've been kind of tempted to do as I will only have around 4 pages - as well as using an elastic band to bind.

Images from:

Watching/reading these was really useful because now I know how to bind books! All I need to do now is try it out for myself. I'm glad that there are substitutes to some of the materials Sea Lemon uses - like the book press - otherwise I would've had to buy lots of materials for something I'll probably only make a few times.

When it does come to experimenting with these different types of bookbinding I think I'll place the tutorial at the top with my experimentation beneath, just to show which ones I've tried out. 

Learning Outcomes:
[4] Developed research skills in the area of contemporary practice

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