Wednesday 19 March 2014

FMP (BA): Jon Contino's Skillshare Class

I hopped over to skillshare to have a look to see if there were any good bundles of hand lettering classes, and there were loads of them! As I haven't got much time left I wanted to focus on those that didn't have as many videos but just outlined the basics of hand lettering.

That's when I found Jon Contino's skillshare class. Jon Contino has been one of the main inspirations for my past "projects" so I had a look at his introductory video before purchasing his class. 

An Online Skillshare Class by Jon Contino

- Jon Contino

Course Overview

1. History
2. Hierarchy & Shapes
3. Type Systems
4. Integrating Type with Image
5. Class Wrap-Up

Each course has a few pointers beneath it on what you'll achieve with each video and he had even included little challenges for us to try out. An example is to look at some old posters and see how they are arranged. 

My Thoughts

As you can see, it's a pretty short course which is perfect for my project as I want to spend more time designing than researching. Even though I have gotten into the rhythm of doing my research, finding the "voice", carrying out some basic thumbnails before going onto the final design I was really inspired by his videos. 

His class shows that the above method I have been using does really work, however I have learnt that I need to structure my designs more as the ones I've done in the past (the "Remarkable Rocket" one in particular) wasn't very strong due to the fact that I didn't think about hierarchy and structure. Hopefully my next piece which will be the one for Moby Dick will be more structured. 

His videos are very detailed and he talks about his steps very thoroughly which had answered all of my questions. I am now more confident in laying out my pieces and I think I'll spend more time fixing the layout and the typography and how it combines with image. 

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