Thursday 2 January 2014

APP Words: Design Development - Teapot & Cup Design

After uploading my two designs I had (which you can see in this post) I was surprised to hear that most of my target market preferred the 'plain' design, saying that the elements of the other one distracted them from the "Never Give In and Never Give Up" illustration. After having a little think about it I've decided to follow their opinions because I realised that the other design might be a bit too "fun" for Twinings. Their designs are usually quite minimalist and sophisticated, especially in terms of illustration, so maybe a minimalist travel mug design might be best for them. [1]

I want to try out my idea again but with a slightly different design. As I was drinking some tea I thought of how tea could flow down the design and form the 'banner' of the Never Give In and Never Give Up. I used my board "Tea" as inspiration. 

I quite liked the look of this idea, and so took it across to a landscape orientation so that I could see what it would actually look like (or near enough) as a travel mug design. After that I made some small annotations on what could be adjusted. 

Even though I quite like this idea I'm still unsure of whether or not it'll be suitable for Twinings, so what I'll do is carry on with the "plain" version, do it all up on Illustrator, and then figure out what to do next. It'll be easier to just add in a teapot and teacup if I did the plain version first after gathering some more feedback from my colleagues and target market and will be a lot quicker that way. This is because if I do draw from this sketch then... What if my target audience didn't like it? I'd have to try and adapt it onto it's own. It's definitely easier adding then taking away. [1]

[n] Learning Outcome

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