Monday 6 January 2014

APP Words: Teacup and Teapot Vectors

It's near to the end of the deadline so I need to come up with all of the other sections as quickly as possible. After talking to my peers and my lecturers I decided to go along with the idea of incorporating the tea cup and pot as it was pointed out that they were very "British", and would create more of a connection with Twinings. [4]

I was quite surprised at this as I thought that my target audience would like this 'fun' illustration, but it appears that I was wrong!

My first thing that I wanted to do was then create a vector of my teapot and tea cup so that I could connect them with the banner design. I created a new document in Illustrator, uploaded a photo, and began to work.

I'm starting to get used to using the pen tool and creating vector images so this wasn't a very long process at all. I kept flicking between the pen tool and the shape tool to help me out with my design, and I often had to delete some anchor points to make curves smoother.
Therefore I've decided that instead of including detailed descriptions of every little step, I shall just upload these screenshots as they are pretty self explanatory and I have covered anything new in previous blog posts. [6]

Conclusion: [7] [8]
My next step is to work on my tea leaves pattern and then I shall put everything together. Once everything is put together I can then tweak the banner slightly so that it flows a lot more with the teapot and cup.

[n] Learning Outcome

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