Thursday 12 December 2013

APP Words: Developing Sketches

To make things easier and keep to the flow of this blog I shall be doing separate posts every time I do my sketches so that I can see my progress and how that relates to my research. It'll also help me to pin point the areas I need to brush up on so I could get it done as quickly as possible to ensure I have more time to develop my final sketch. [8]

I spent the whole day yesterday at uni drawing lots of doodles and sketches and flicking through my typography album on Pinterest for inspiration, and I annotated my sketches where I was inspired by someone's work. This was quite a relaxing way of sketching for me because I didn't have to go off and analyse an inspirational piece and then sketch, but just sketch, write down the source of inspiration so I can go back to it after I was done. This meant that I could just focus solely on my ideas and get me 'in the mood' for doodling.

I've taken some of my previous doodles to develop here, especially those that I think I might carry across to my final sketch although I'm not too certain just yet what I'll include.

I really like this method of sketching ideas because I was able to continuously generate them without getting bogged down by the thought of not analysing inspirational works just yet, because I could always do that at a later stage as I had written their names in the annotations. 
I think I might continue to do this in later sketches and then create a big post at the end of all of the images I drew references from, making note of them in my sketchpad or create a mood board on Pinterest. As you can tell in my sketches above I've made some progress in hand-lettering, especially when it comes to how each letter sits and is arranged. I've definitely leaned more on sans-serif styles and 'chunky' writing. 

My next step is to look back at my motivational quotes to help me come up with some quotes of my own (if I do choose to go with my own quote). If not I shall just pick a handful of the most inspirational ones that fit within my design.  

[n] Learning Outcome

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